Sunday, January 10, 2016

Don't worry I'm still here. I can't think of a title. This is a post about blogging in 2016.

One thing I pride myself on is the consistency of this blog.


My little piece of the internet went from a wedding planning journal to a DIY paper flower wall series. It detailed my journey in trying to become a pinterest home maker (don't remember this part? yeah I barely do either...hahaha) and then became a pregnancy journal. I could actually list about ten more topics.

It's a pretty common piece of advice that consistency is key in building a readership and voice for your blog.


Well, I don't have consistency but I can tell you it is a goal of mine for the future. A lot of topics go as quickly as they came because I never want to force a post or write about something I don't care about. I'm also not going to lie and tell you I'm definitely going to be consistent this year, because well - that's just setting myself up for failure. But I have good feelings about where this is going for 2016.

I'm hoping to use this blog as a place of encouragement. Encouragement for everyone but I'm hoping it will specifically resonante with creatives. Creatives who are struggling building a business, who are overwhelmed with an unexpectedly successful business, who are putting their business before their marriage, who don't have a business but desperately want a business, who are working a 9-5 and side creative business and totally stressed out, who are too afraid to share their art but want to. I want to offer encouragement for all of these types and do so by sharing personal stories, highlighting other creatives' stories and spotlighting business to help gain exposure among other things.

It won't only be that. You'll still hear from me about my paper flowers and about the bajillion huge life changes we have coming in 2016. Hey, maybe we'll even try to get a bit of that fantastic pancake art back up here.

Sound interesting?

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited for what the Lord has in store for Panckaes & Glueguns in 2016!!! So proud of you!
